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Cry, Wolf
Cry, Wolf: Shadow of the Werewolf (Novel, 1999)

The Vampire Murders
The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas, Volume I: The Vampire Murders (Novella, 2001)

The Great Debate
The Great Debate (Anthology, 2003)

Metrognomes: The Shaman's Apprentice
Metrognomes: The Shaman's Apprentice (Novel, 2007)


The Dragons of Nod
The Legends of Nod, Book I: The Dragons of Nod (Novelette, 2008)

The Haunting of Alexas Mansion
The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas, Volume II: The Haunting of Alexas Mansion (Novel, 2012)

All for the Blood of Nightstorm
The Legends of Nod, Book II: All for the Blood of Nightstorm (Novella, 2014)

Enter: The Wanderer
The Legends of Nod, Book III: Enter: The Wanderer (Novella, 2015)


The Mech Valley Debacle
The Legends of Nod, Book IV: The Mech Valley Debacle (Novel, 2016)

The Demons of the Blood
The Demons of the Blood: A Metrognomes Adventure (Novella, 2016)

A Hero Before His Time
The Legends of Nod, Book V: A Hero Before His Time (Novel, 2021)



All content copyright 2003-2021 by Clark Ink, LLC 
The cover art for Cry, Wolf: Shadow of the Werewolf was done by Sean Seybold.
The cover art for The Great Debate, Metrognomes: The Shaman's Apprentice, The Legends of Nod, Book I: The Dragons of Nod, and The Legends of Nod, Book II: All for the Blood of Nightstorm The legends of Nod, Book III: Enter: The Wanderer, The Legends of Nod, Book IV: The Mech Valley Debacle, and The Legends of Nod, Book V: A Hero Before His Time was done by Molly (Brimer) Fine.
The cover art for The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas, Volume I: The Vampire Murders was done by Ryan Fagan.
The cover art for The Demons of the Blood: A Metrognomes Adventure was done by Paige Carpenter.