The Rainbow-Colored Sheep

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"If I could hate, then I could choose."

"The Rainbow-Colored Sheep" is told from the perspective of a lamb who doesn't fit in with the ideals of his flock due to the fact that his fleece is not white but brightly striped with all the colors of the rainbow. Though he has been encouraged to hide his colors in flour or chalk, the rainbow-colored sheep refuses.

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For the bookshelf

Trivia, earlier editions, etc.


"The Rainbow-Colored Sheep" originally posted June 1999

Cover art by Valerie Clark

All content ©1999-2020 by Clark Ink, LLC


ISBN-10: 1-61815-010-3 (Kindle e-book)


ISBN-13: 978-1-61815-010-3 (Kindle e-book)


ISBN-10: 1-61815-018-9 (Smashwords e-book)


ISBN-13: 978-1-61815-018-9 (Smashwords e-book)


ISBN-10: 1-61815-019-7 (Clark Ink PDF e-book)


ISBN-13: 978-1-61815-019-6 (Clark Ink PDF e-book)


ISBN-10: 1-61815-020-0 (paperback)


ISBN-13: 978-1-61815-020-2 (paperback)