The Trouble with Doris Gardner

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The Trouble with Doris Gardner

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Available June 11, 2012

After a night of passion, Bradley Stevens has decided that Doris Gardner is the only girl for him. Unfortunately, her only intentions were to help him get over Ann, and Doris now has her eyes fixed on Ray. Meanwhile, Valen Alexas seeks the counsel of Mary the Witch in dealing with the haunting apparition of the late Clarenda Richardson, who seems intent on his destruction.

For the book shelf!

Coming soon!

Trivia, earlier editions, etc.


The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas #5 "The Trouble with Doris Gardner" originally posted July 2005

All content ©2005-2013 by Clark Ink, LLC

Cover art by Valerie N. Clark


ISBN-10: 1-61815-052-9 (Kindle e-book)


ISBN-13: 978-1-61815-052-3 (Kindle e-book)


ISBN-10: 1-61815-053-7 (paperback)


ISBN-13: 978-1-61815-053-0 (paperback)