
Publication History
- The Legends of Nod #3 "Enter: The Wanderer" was published on February 17, 2015 in
Kindle e-book and paperback formats. The paperback was made available exclusively through GlennSladeClarkJr.com via Lulu.com.
The Kindle e-book was taken out of print on October 17, 2018.
- This novella was republished as the expanded The Legends of Nod, Book III: Enter:
The Wanderer n hardback format, on August 27, 2019, in trade paperback format and e-book formats on August
28, 2019, and in pocket paperback format on September 4, 2019.
First Edition

1st Edition - E-Book |

1st Edition - Paperback |
Current Edition

2nd Edition - Hardback |

2nd Edition - Trade Paperback |

2nd Edition - E-Book |

2nd Edition - Pocket paperback |

