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  • The concept for The Legends of Nod was based on a dream the author had.


  • Glenn found himself just as stuck as Joryn and Illium, when writing the scene in which the two heroes were trapped on a ledge at one point in their journey. The outline had them vaguely escaping and meeting Libran. The two events were not connected. One line in the narrative refrences a plot point which almost happened, in which Joryn would have climbed down into the abyss and met someone who could help him rescue Illium. In the end, this idea was thrown out as too convoluted, but the thought of the unlikely source of aid still crossed Joryn's mind.

Publication History

  • The Legends of Nod #1 "The Dragons of Nod" was released as a free PDF e-book through on September 11, 2008.


  • A paperback edition of the story was released excluseively through on December 16, 2010, though a link wasn't added to the story's Web page until April 4, 2011.


  • In spite of the fact that the release date was set for June 6, and the Amazon Web site records the release date as June 4, the second edition of The Legends of Nod #1 "The Dragons of Nod" was released on June 5, 2011 in Kindle e-book format. Only three typographical errors were identified and corrected by the author from the first edition.


  • The first edition e-book was re-released at for archival purposes on June 10, 2011.


  • The second edition of The Legends of Nod #1 "The Dragons of Nod" was released as a Smashwords edition through on June 30, 2011 in the following formats: HTML, JavaScript, .mobi, Epub, PDF, RTF, LRF, PDB, Plain Text (download), and Plain Text (view). This edition was approved for premium distribution on July 14, 2011, and a link to the Smashwords edition was belatedly added to on July 20 of that year.


  • The second edition was released as a Clark Ink PDF edition on July 29, 2011.


  • The second edition was released in paperback exclusively through and, on August 19, 2011, with a slightly altered cover to accomodate the A5 trim size.


  • The second edition Kindle e-book was taken out of print on October 17, 2018.


  • The expanded third edition was published in hardback, pocket paperback, and e-book formats on December 18, 2018 and in trade paperback on February 23, 2019.

Alternate Cover Designs

Below left is the version of  "The Dragons of Nod" book cover used for the first edition. The original was in a different trim size and sported a less developed logo in a different font from those of the current edition.
Below right is the cover for the current paperback edition, which is only slightly different from the e-book cover due to the A5 trim size.
Click the either of the thumbnails below to see a larger image.

The Dragons of Nod

2011 Paperback Cover


Original Cover Art Concept

Originally, Valerie Clark, the author's sister, who had done cover art for a number of projects in the past, was commissioned to create the cover art for "The Dragons of Nod." She was unsatisfied with her version, and Glenn felt that its darker mountainous tones were more suited to what he had in mind for the second episode of the series. Feeling that she would not be able to create an illustration for the story that she would be happy with in the time alloted, Valerie left the project. Click below to see the abandoned cover art concept.

Cover Art, Version 1


Final Cover Art: Early Phases

With the entire project now behind schedule, another artist took a stab at the cover art. Here are two early phases of the final cover art, which began as a sketch that was scanned into the computer and was then painted digitally.

Phase I

Original sketch

Phase II
Early digital paint stage

Finished Cover Art (Uncropped)

Below is the uncropped, pre-text and logo version of the final cover art paining. Click the thumbnail for a larger view.

Final cover art


First Edition

The first edition of The Legends of Nod #1 "The Dragons of Nod" was published first as an e-book on September 11, 2008 and later as a paperback on December 16, 2010. This original edition is still available in both formats by following the links below.

First Edition E-Book
1st Edition - E-Book

First Edition Paperback
1st Edition - Paperback

Second Edition

The second edition of The Legends of Nod #1 "The Dragons of Nod" was published as a Kindle e-book  on June 5, 2011, as a Smashwords e-book on June 30, 2011, as a Clark Ink PDF e-book on July 22, 2011, and as a paperback available exclusively from via a link at on August 19, 2011.

No longer available
2nd Edition - Kindle E-Book

No longer available
2nd Edition - Smashwords E-Book

The Dragons of Nod
2nd Edition - Clark Ink PDF E-Book

The Dragons of Nod
2nd Edition - Paperback

Expanded Third Edition (Forthcoming)

For the third edition, this novelette has been expanded and the title slightly changed from The Legends of Nod #1 "The Dragons of Nod" to The Legends of Nod, Book I: The Dragons of Nod to reflect the series' new format. This edition was released in hardback, pocket paperback, and e-book formats on December 18, 2018 and in trade paperback format on February 23, 2019.

3rd Edition - Hardback

3rd Edition - Trade Paperback

Pocket Paperback
3rd Edition - Pocket Paperback

Available soon!
3rd Edition - E-Book


The original Web site logo for "The Dragons of Nod" was based on the logo on the cover of the first edition e-book in 2008. Click the thumbnail below to see a larger image.

From the Legends of Nod

The original "Read the Story" button was linked to the free PDF release of the story upon its publication in 2008 and was later linked to the Kindle release in 2011. It was replaced by three new buttons, linking to various e-book editions, on July 20, 2011.

The original "Paperback" button was linked to the 2010 paperback release on April 14, 2011 until it was replaced by the "Paperback Edition" button on July 20, 2011.

The original "Kindle Edition" button was linked to the 2011 Kindle release on July 20, 2011 until it was replaced by a version with a font matching the logo of the book on October 10, 2011.

The original "Smashwords Edition" button was linked to the 2011 release on July 20, 2011 until it was replaced by a version with a font matching the logo of the book on October 10, 2011.

All major e-reader formats!

The original "Clark Ink PDF Edition" button was linked to the 2011 Clark Ink PDF release on July 20, 2011 until it was replaced by a version with a font matching the logo of the book on October 10, 2011.

Read it on your desktop!

The original "Paperback Edition" button was linked to the 2011 paperback release on July 20, 2011 until it was replaced by a version with a font matching the logo of the book on October 10, 2011.

For the book shelf!

The original "Merchandise" button was added to the page as "Coming soon!" upon the story's publication in 2008. It was replaced by a version with a font matching the logo of the book on October 10, 2011.

Coming soon!

The original "Special Features" button was added to the page upon the story's publication in 2008. It was replaced by the "Archives" button when the page's title was changed on October 10, 2011.

Trivia, earlier editions, etc.

The original "Special Features" header graphic was added to the "Special Features" page on July 20, 2011. It was replaced by the "Archives" header when the page's title was changed on October 10, 2011. Click the thumbnail below to see a larger image.


All content © 2008-2011 by Clark Ink, LLC