The Vampire's Dream

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The Vampire's Dream

Secrets of the Nephilim

The Phantom's Fury

The angry spirit of Clarenda Richardson continues to haunt Alexas Mansion. Tormented by her fate, Valen dreams of the days when she was still among the living, in the early twentieth century. It was a time when Clarenda and her younger brother Augustin became permanent houseguests in the mansion, and Valentinus found himself dangerously close to falling in love with a mortal.

For the book shelf!

Coming soon!

Trivia, earlier editions, etc.


The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas #7 "The Vampire's Dream" originally posted December 2005

All content ©2005-2013 by Clark Ink, LLC


ISBN-10: 1-61815-056-1 (Kindle e-book)


ISBN-13: 978-1-61815-056-1 (Kindle e-book)


ISBN-10: 1-61815-057-X (paperback)


ISBN-13: 978-1-61815-057-8 (paperback)